Plan of Salvation Line Drawing
This tried-and-true resources gives yous the Bible verses to explain why nosotros need Jesus' cede on the Cross to solve our greatest problem: separation from God. When you're not certain if friends have surrendered their lives to Christ nonetheless, this is a great manner to help them make that decision.
This tried-and-true resource gives you the Bible verses to explain why we demand Jesus' cede on the Cross to solve our greatest problem: separation from God.
When you're not sure if friends have surrendered their lives to Christ notwithstanding, this is a peachy way to help them make that decision.
Draw this diagram on a piece of paper to walk someone through the gospel pace-by-footstep. It helps to have the verses handy, bookmarked in a Bible or Bible app. The numbers show you the order in which to share.
Stride 1: God
[Draw the horizontal line on the right side with "GOD" above information technology, then add the verses and bullets underneath the line as y'all share them]
God created us with purpose, to be in relationship with Him and to enjoy all the fullness of life with Him.
John 3:16
- What does God desire you to know in the first function of the verse? (God loves us)
- What does the terminal line say God wants you to have? (God wants to give us eternal life)
John x:10
- What blazon of life does Jesus desire to give you on earth? (Abundant life)
- What do you think would be some inner characteristics of this full, abundant life that Jesus wants to give you? (Purpose, impact, pregnant, peace, joy, love & acceptance)
- Do you think everyone you lot know is experiencing this arable life? Allow'due south come across what the Bible says about what prevents it.
Pace 2: Our Problem
[Describe the horizontal line on the left side with "OUR Problem" above information technology]
We have a problem nosotros can't ready on our own.
Romans 3:23
- What is humanity's problem? (All have sinned)
- What is sin? (Like an pointer missing its target, we fall short of God's intent for us. All of us have done what we should not practice and left undone what we should take done.)
- What is the outcome of sin? (Separation from God)
[Depict two vertical lines to make a chasm]
Romans 6:23
- Wages are what nosotros earn by our deportment. What do we earn by our sin? (Death)
- There are two types of death. What are they? (Physical and Spiritual)
Our sin separates us from God for eternity unless somehow nosotros are released from paying the toll for it.
Hebrews 9:27
- What happens after nosotros dice? (We confront judgment for the sin we commit)
- This looks bleak for u.s.a.. What are some ways you or others you know take tried to get to God'south side? (Going to church, praying, helping people)
God sees the hopeless situation we're in and provides a mode out.
Ephesians 2:8-ix
- Tin our best efforts span the separation betwixt us and God? (No, nosotros are saved by grace, which is unmerited honey. Good works = not plenty)
Step three: God's Solution
[Depict the Cross]
We can't build a bridge to God, but Jesus Christ is God'due south bridge to u.s..
Romans five:8
- How did God show He loves united states fifty-fifty though nosotros're sinners? (Jesus died for us to pay the punishment for our sin)
one Peter three:xviii
- Why is Jesus dying on the Cross and rising again such adept news for us? (It allows us to exist with God at present on Earth and forever in Sky considering Jesus conquered both our sin and expiry past dying and rising once again. That is the Christian gospel!)
Step 4: Our Response
Each of the states needs to reply to what God is offering usa.
John 1:12
- How does ane get a child of God? (Past believing and receiving Jesus, trusting in his sacrifice as the payment for your own personal sin.)
Revelation three:20
- What is Jesus trying to show here, when he offers to come up in and eat with us? (That he longs to have a personal relationship with united states of america)
Next Steps
Accept Jesus, Which is equally Simple as A-B-C
Admit that y'all are a sinner in need of a Savior and ask God to forgive you and help y'all turn from sin.
Believe Jesus died for you and rose once more, conquering sin and decease.
Commit your life to following Jesus, putting your total trust in Him and giving Him controlling dominance equally Lord of your life.
Talk to Jesus Right Now
You can talk to Jesus right now to receive him. Yous can echo after me or put this in your ain words:
"Father God, I know that I am a sinner and that I demand you to forgive me. I know that your son Jesus died a painful death and rose again and so that my sins could be done make clean. Thanks. I desire to make y'all the Lord of my life, and I will trust and follow You. Everything I accept is yours at present. In the name of Jesus, amen."
The Risk Alee
At present that we're restored in our human relationship, we get to join him in the restoration of all things on Earth that are broken and damaged past sin! This includes helping your friends have a relationship with Jesus, bringing justice where at that place is injustice, healing where there is pain, and hope where there is despair.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The "NIV" and "New International Version" are trademarks registered in the The states Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
The Bridge to Life ©1976 The Navigators, all rights reserved.
The Bridge to Life is also available in booklet course. Club from NavPress.
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